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Constitutional Law, Public Law Ben Nyabira Constitutional Law, Public Law Ben Nyabira

Using public participation to fix the “agency problem” in governments

The agency problem arises when people in positions of authority fail to act in the best interests of the people they represent. To address this issue, it is necessary to ensure that decisions are not solely made by those in power. Ben Nyabira argues that solutions to this problem lie in public participation.

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Constitutional Law Angelo Dube Constitutional Law Angelo Dube

Exploring the Intersection of State Sponsored Violence in Swaziland and the Possible Rise of the Islamic State

Over the past two years, the state of Swaziland has been plagued with various human rights violations, including state sponsored violence against the citizenry. In response, civilians have retaliated against members of the police force and the army. Against this background, Angelo Dube argues that the environment in Swaziland may be ripe for the Islamic State’s picking.

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Constitutional Law Geoffrey Allsop and Ohene Yaw Ampofo-Anti Constitutional Law Geoffrey Allsop and Ohene Yaw Ampofo-Anti

Rafoneke v Minister of Justice: What about Intersectionality?

In Rafoneke v Minister of Justice and Correctional Services (Rafoneke), the SA Constitutional Court had to consider whether section 24 (2)(b) read with section 115 of the Legal Practice Act 28 of 2014 (LPA) unfairly discriminated against foreign nationals on the basis of citizenship and social origin. Geoffrey Allsop and Ohene Yaw Ampofo-Anti argue that the court did not apply the principle of intersectionality correctly in its finding that these provisions are constitutional.

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Reconsidering the Rights and Responsibilities of the Corporate Person

Corporations increasingly enjoy more rights but face fewer consequences for abusing rights. Erika George argues that a new approach is urgently needed and that constitutional courts should be more concerned with the concentrated power of the private sector and protecting the public space for effective policy making and adjudication.

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International Law, Constitutional Law, Human Rights Johannes Masing International Law, Constitutional Law, Human Rights Johannes Masing

Constitutionalism in the Era of Private Power and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

In the course of digitalisation, economic and other activities are increasingly internationalising and their challenges can thus be less frequently addressed through state constitutions. Although there is no constitutional framework that would allow private power to be effectively constrained at the international level, Johannes Masing argues that a certain uniting basis of constitutionalism across borders may be found in human rights.

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Human Rights, Constitutional Law Joshua Davis Human Rights, Constitutional Law Joshua Davis

Bwanya v Master of the High Court: Right for the Wrong Reasons

Bwanya v Master of the High Court was the first occasion on which the Constitutional Court expressly refused to follow one of its previous decisions. Joshua Davis considers the basis on which it did so and the implications for the doctrine of precedent, and argues that the judgment was ultimately right for the wrong reasons.

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International Law, Constitutional Law Silvia Suteu International Law, Constitutional Law Silvia Suteu

The BBI Judgment: Of Basic Structure Doctrines and Participatory Constitution-making

Dr Silvia Suteu argues that the BBI saga raises important questions about the interplay between unamendability and participatory constitution-making, and considers the relevance of the participatory nature of the adoption of Kenya’s 2010 Constitution vis-à-vis the acceptance or rejection of unamendability in the BBI case.

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Human Rights, Constitutional Law, Public Law Sohela Surajpal Human Rights, Constitutional Law, Public Law Sohela Surajpal

Prisons in Africa – a death sentence for women’s rights

Women in African prisons endure abuse, violence, endemic overcrowding, inadequate food, and poor hygiene and sanitation. Sohela Surajpal examines this problem and argues that a feminist movement committed to protecting and empowering the most marginalised among us must look to alternative visions of safety and justice that a divestment from carceral politics might offer us.

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Human Rights, Constitutional Law Callixte Kavuro Human Rights, Constitutional Law Callixte Kavuro

Gender Inequality: The Vulnerabilities of Women under the Asylum System

South Africa’s 1998 Refugees Act fails to reflect the country’s constitutional commitment to equality in as far as it entrenches the unequal treatment of women. Shortcomings in refugee protection lead to the treatment of refugee women as minors and smother their autonomous voice in the refugee application process.

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West Africa, Central Africa, Constitutional Law Oumarou Narey West Africa, Central Africa, Constitutional Law Oumarou Narey

Les changements anticonstitutionnels de gouvernement: mode ou contre mode ?

Survenant par la force des armes ou à travers une subtile modification de la constitution, ne conservant qu’une apparence de légalité, ce phénomène est récurrent sur le continent noir et génère de lourdes menaces pour la démocratie et l'état de droit. La fréquence des changements inconstitutionnels ces dernières années nous amène à nous demander s’ils ne se sont pas érigés en une nouvelle mode d’ascension au pouvoir.

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Central Africa, Constitutional Law Chris Shematsi Central Africa, Constitutional Law Chris Shematsi

The defence and security policy in the Congolese Constitution of 18 February 2006: what about the incumbent?

The unchanging centrality of the state rests on defense and security. These matters should escape the weaknesses of constitutional elasticity. One of the essential functions of the Constitution is to produce stability and durability in the legal framework within which political actors operate.

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