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Temporality Matters for Women’s Equality
In this post, Meghan Campbell and Ben Warwick explain how gender inequality isn’t just about differences in status or resources—it’s also about time. The duo, observe that women often experience 'time poverty' due to unpaid domestic work, while legal systems tend to overlook how inequality develops gradually. Through case law, the authors show how rigid timelines can prevent women from accessing justice. They argue that more flexible, time-sensitive legal approaches are needed to address these structural inequalities and promote lasting gender equality.
The Future of the Maputo Protocol: Prospects and Challenges
In this last post as part of the ‘Maputo at 20’ series, we speak with Hon. Commissioner Ramatoulie Janet Sallah-Njie, the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Women in Africa, about the future of the Maputo Protocol, it’s potential for advancing women's rights in Africa, and the challenges that need to be addressed for its full realisation.
The Maputo Protocol and Violence against Women in Africa
In spite of the Maputo Protocol's clear prohibition of Violence Against Women (VAW), the ongoing prevalence of violence in Africa has spurred calls for a regional treaty aimed at eradicating such violence. Against this backdrop, Adetokunbo Johnson reflects on the innovation of the Maputo Protocol's explicit VAW prohibition and questions the need for an additional instrument.
Financing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: Why States Must Renew their Health Financing Commitments in the Maputo Protocol
Reflecting on the progress made since the inception of the Maputo Protocol, Kerigo Odada interrogates how health financing and resource allocation have affected the realisation of reproductive rights in Africa. The author calls on state parties to bridge the gap between political commitment and legal implementation by directing resources towards bolstering reproductive health initiatives as mandated by the Protocol.
Le Protocole de Maputo et les institutions des droits de l'homme de l'Union africaine
La mise en œuvre du Protocole de Maputo est supervisée par deux institutions des droits de l'homme de l'Union africaine. Dans cet article de blog, Ashwanee Budoo-Scholtz nous guide à travers les étapes entreprises par la Commission africaine et la Cour africaine pour superviser la réalisation du Protocole de Maputo.
The Maputo Protocol and the African Union Human Rights Institutions
The implementation of the Maputo Protocol is overseen by two African Union human rights institutions. In this blog post, Ashwanee Budoo-Scholtz takes us through the steps that have been taken by the African Commission and the African Court as they oversee the realization of the Maputo Protocol.
Implementation of the Maputo Protocol: Progress and Challenges
In this week’s blog post, Matilda Lasseko-Phooko explores the implementation of the Maputo Protocol and sheds light on the role played by women leaders in making this possible.
Introduction to the Maputo Protocol and its Significance
The Maputo Protocol, adopted two decades ago in Maputo, Mozambique, marked a historic moment for women's rights in Africa. In this blog post, Esther Waweru discusses the gaps in the African Charter which necessitated the Protocol’s adoption in so far as gender equality and women’s rights are concerned.
Introducing ‘The Maputo Protocol at 20: Progress, Challenges, and the Way Forward’ Series
In celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa (the Maputo Protocol), ALM will be running a series reflecting on its progress and challenges. We will bring to you blog posts authored by women’s rights experts from the region providing commentary on various aspects of the Protocol.
Decolonizing the Narrative around Constitutions, Personal Laws, and Women’s Rights
Many constitutions in Africa contain what are known as “clawback clauses,” which exempt personal law from their guarantees of nondiscrimination. In this week’s post, the authors posit that a decolonization approach which surfaces the history of colonial involvement in constitution-making can also be helpful in legal cases involving the clawback provisions, and in broader policy advocacy and public awareness-raising about the need to reconsider and revise personal status law regimes.
Des objets aux sujets de propriété : Réflexion sur le décalage entre la reconnaissance juridique et sociale des droits des femmes à la propriété foncière en Afrique
Tanveer Rashid Jeewa affirme que ce traitement inhumain vient souvent du fait que les femmes n'ont pas de terre à leur nom et par conséquent, pas de sécurité d'occupation, de logement ou de sécurité économique.
From objects to subjects of property: Reflecting on the gap between legal and social recognition of women’s rights to land ownership in Africa
Women in Africa are often excluded from inheriting, evicted from their lands and homes by in-laws, stripped of their possessions, and have no choice but to engage in risky and non-consensual sexual practices in order to keep their property. Tanveer Rashid Jeewa argues that this inhumane treatment often comes as a result of women having no land to their name and consequently, no security of tenure, shelter or economic security.
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We welcome unsolicited submissions covering current legal developments in constitutional law, fundamental rights law, public law, international law and related fields.