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Gender Inequality: The Vulnerabilities of Women under the Asylum System
South Africa’s 1998 Refugees Act fails to reflect the country’s constitutional commitment to equality in as far as it entrenches the unequal treatment of women. Shortcomings in refugee protection lead to the treatment of refugee women as minors and smother their autonomous voice in the refugee application process.
Refugees of the Ukraine Conflict Expose European and Western States’ Deep-Seated Bias Towards “the Other”
The Ukrainian refugee crisis has exposed multifaceted layers of discrimination, racism, and prejudice towards “the other” by European and Western states. Despite the condemnation of differential treatment and racism against non-Ukrainian refugees and the implementation of protective measures for all refugees, differential treatment and double standards continue to manifest in practice.
Climate Crisis Impacts: The Cross Border Displacement of Children
Cross border climate change displacement and its impact on children are international concerns which will not disappear anytime soon. Therefore, research and policymaking efforts must be increased to ensure the protection of the rights of these children.
The Human Rights Complexities of Migration in Africa
This post reflects on the peculiarities marking the application of several human rights in migration controls on the African continent, with a focus on how States often contradict regional and sub-regional treaties.
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- Refugees
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We welcome unsolicited submissions covering current legal developments in constitutional law, fundamental rights law, public law, international law and related fields.