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Central Africa, Constitutional Law Chris Shematsi Central Africa, Constitutional Law Chris Shematsi

La politique de défense et de sécurité dans la Constitution congolaise du 18 février 2006 : quid du titulaire ?

La centralité immuable de l’État repose sur la défense et la sécurité. Ces questions devraient échapper aux faiblesses de la plasticité constitutionnelle. L’une des fonctions essentielles de la Constitution est de produire la stabilité et la durabilité du cadre juridique dans lequel les acteurs politiques évoluent.

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Constitutional Law, Human Rights, Public Law Kgomotso Mufamadi and Katleho Letsiri Constitutional Law, Human Rights, Public Law Kgomotso Mufamadi and Katleho Letsiri

Mandatory Vaccination against Covid-19: Implications for the South African Workplace

Covid-19’s potentially devastating impact motivated unrivalled global efforts to develop vaccines, which the World Health Organization (WHO) identified as the most effective protection against the disease. Although largely viewed positively, there has been notable mistrust and hesitancy due to concerns about health-related risks associated with Covid-19 vaccines. This has raised questions in the employment context as some employers have quickly moved towards making vaccines mandatory.

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Central Africa, Constitutional Law Bobuin Jr Valery Gemandze Oben Central Africa, Constitutional Law Bobuin Jr Valery Gemandze Oben

Acts of State and Judicial Independence in Cameroon

The recent appointment of Raymond Zondo as the new Chief Justice of South Africa’s Constitutional Court generated much debate centred on his qualifications, experience and suitability. Against this background, it is opportune to review the selection procedure of superior court judges, particularly in the African context.

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Constitutional Law David Bilchitz Constitutional Law David Bilchitz

Fundamental Rights and the Legal Obligations of Business

In “Fundamental Rights and the Legal Obligations of Business”, David Bilchitz considers how to improve the global framework surrounding corporate obligations to ensure greater guidance on the content of these obligations as well as better decision-making both within corporations and national institutions. ALM caught up with Prof Bilchitz to ask him more about his new book.

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