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Lasting Solutions to Corruption Lie in Effective and Accountable Institutions
When it comes to assessing the legacy of the Zondo Commission in South Africa, what might success look like?
The Poisoned Chalice of a Judge-Led Inquiry into State Capture
Commissions of inquiry have featured strongly in democratic South Africa, and many have been tasked with a truth-seeking mandate in relation to issues with profound political significance.
The Urgency of Procurement Reform after State Capture in South Africa
Even a cursory reading of the published parts of the report of the Zondo Commission leaves no doubt that public procurement was at the heart of state capture in South Africa.
A Republic We Should Keep
In the 25 years since the South African Constitution was signed into law, what progress have we made — and what will it take to attain the constitutional vision of a free, equal and dignified life for all?
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We welcome unsolicited submissions covering current legal developments in constitutional law, fundamental rights law, public law, international law and related fields.