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- Zambia
Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill and the Demise of the Rule of Law
Recently, the Parliament of Uganda passed the Anti-Homosexuality Bill (AHB) with the objective of establishing, amongst other things, “comprehensive and enhanced legislation to protect the traditional family by strengthening the nation’s capacity to deal with emerging internal and external threats to the traditional heterosexual family.” In this article, Dr. Sylvie Namwase argues that the continued cycle of human rights violations in Uganda falls within the broader context of authoritarian control, and will soon affect other minority groups.
Zambia: An Election Against All Odds
Through an unprecedented voter turnout, the Zambian people recently united to oust an authoritarian regime — overcoming the odds in an election that is surely a bright spot for democracy on the continent.
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We welcome unsolicited submissions covering current legal developments in constitutional law, fundamental rights law, public law, international law and related fields.