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South Africa, Constitutional Law Nicholas Herd South Africa, Constitutional Law Nicholas Herd

Bark Without Bite? Considering and Clarifying the SAHRC’s Competence

In this post, Nicholas Herd examines the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA)'s judgment in SAHRC v Agro Data, where the court unanimously rejected the South African Human Rights Commission's (SAHRC) claim that it possesses the authority to issue binding directives. He also explores the Commission's prospects of success in its appeal to the Constitutional Court, challenging the SCA's decision.

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International Law, Human Rights Sanya Samtani International Law, Human Rights Sanya Samtani

Remedying Copyright Discrimination at the South African Constitutional Court

On 12 May 2022, the South African Constitutional Court heard its first ever copyright discrimination matter brought by Blind SA, an organisation serving the interests of people with print and visual disabilities, on the basis that South Africa’s copyright laws unfairly discriminate against them and violate several constitutional rights.

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