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Why South African workers deserve better employment contracts
In this post, Marthinus van Staden and Michele van Eck highlight a significant oversight in South Africa’s labour law framework, which allows employers to unilaterally alter working conditions without employees' explicit consent. This gap disproportionately affects vulnerable groups, who struggle to navigate contracts laden with complex legal jargon. The authors advocate for labour law reforms mandating written employment contracts and the use of plain language in all employment-related documentation.
Elections in Mozambique: Chronicles of a Crisis Foretold
In this post, Ester Stefanelli provides a detailed account of Mozambique's recent elections as well as the events that led to subsequent protests and disputes over the results. She argues that the Mozambican crisis underscores the limitations of formal elections, which can reflect incomplete constitutional transitions and may even hinder the process of democratic consolidation.
2024 Year End Anthology
The African Law Matters blog is pleased to announce that our 2024 Year End Anthology is now available online. This showcases the blog’s work and the editors’ selected publications from 2024 and can be accessed directly from this blog post.
Disability Equality in the Workplace: Making the World Differently Through Reasonable Accommodation
In this post, Justin critiques the Constitutional Court’s decision in Damons, which narrowly interpreted the duty of reasonable accommodation under the Employment Equity Act. He argues that the ruling weakens protections for persons with disabilities by limiting accommodation to meeting existing job requirements rather than transforming workplaces for inclusion. Justin advocates for a substantive equality approach, emphasizing that reasonable accommodation should not just integrate disabled employees but also reshape work environments to be more inclusive and accessible.
Temporality Matters for Women’s Equality
In this post, Meghan Campbell and Ben Warwick explain how gender inequality isn’t just about differences in status or resources—it’s also about time. The duo, observe that women often experience 'time poverty' due to unpaid domestic work, while legal systems tend to overlook how inequality develops gradually. Through case law, the authors show how rigid timelines can prevent women from accessing justice. They argue that more flexible, time-sensitive legal approaches are needed to address these structural inequalities and promote lasting gender equality.
South Africa, Rwanda and Conflict Classification in the DRC
In this post, Martha Bradley and Marko Svičevič explore how President Cyril Ramaphosa’s statement that South Africa’s military presence in the DRC is “not a declaration of war” raises critical questions under international humanitarian law. They further examine the legal implications of classifying an armed conflict as either an international or non-international armed conflict and the legal implications this holds for the parties involved.
Bwanya v Master: A Trampling of Precedent or an Evolution of Stare Decisis?
Drawing on her publication in CCR XIV, Prof. Fatima Osman examines the South African Constitutional Court's decision to depart from the precedent set in Volks v Robinson, where the court held that unmarried partners who chose not to marry could not claim maintenance under the Maintenance of Surviving Spouses Act (MSSA). In Bwanya, the court declared provisions of the Intestate Succession Act (ISA) and MSSA unconstitutional insofar as they excluded life partners who had undertaken reciprocal duties of support.
Poverty as a Ground in South Africa and India
Ahead of her upcoming publication in CCR XIV, Dr Rishika Sahgal analyses and critiques two cases decided by the apex courts in India and South Africa in 2022, Janhit Abhiyan and Social Justice Coalition. These cases reveal that even when poverty is recognised as a ground within equality law, several tensions or barriers to achieving substantive equality for the impoverished may arise.
In Peril: How the Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Bill 2024 Continues to Threaten Informal Land Rights and Rural Democracy
In this blog post, Wandile Brian Zondo argues that the Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Bill 2024 is constitutionally problematic and continues to threaten informal land rights and rural democracy in South Africa.
Why a scope clause in the binding treaty on business and human rights is unnecessary
Ahead of the 10th session of negotiations of the Intergovernmental Working Group on a legally binding instrument to regulate, in international human rights law, the activities of transnational corporations and other business enterprises, David Bilchitz argues that a scope clause is unnecessary and likely to exacerbate divisions.
“Sangwa Says” Contextualising what the Zambian Constitutional Court says about the financial independence of the judiciary
In this post, Nicholas Herd examines the Zambian Constitutional Court’s Sangwa judgment, placing it within broader discussions on judicial independence and its importance in upholding the rule of law. Drawing lessons for constitutional democracies, he links the judgment to South Africa, where the judiciary struggles with institutional independence due to reliance on the executive for funding, staffing, and logistical support. This dependency grants the executive significant influence, raising concerns about impartiality and undermining the judiciary's independence.
Refugee Reception: The Ongoing Influence of Historical Laws and Traditional Conceptualisations of Refugees in Zambia
In this post, Nicholas Maple examines the complexities of refugee reception in Southern Africa. Using Zambia as a case study, he highlights how the historical 1970 Refugee (Control) Act continues to influence contemporary policies, despite the adoption of the more progressive 2017 Refugee Act. Maple emphasises the importance of localised approaches and the need to move away from restrictive encampment policies to integrate refugees into urban spaces and uphold their freedom of movement.
South Africa’s Government of National Unity: Power Sharing in a Fractured Democracy
In this article, Nico Steytler discusses the implications of South Africa's 2024 elections, which saw the ANC lose its parliamentary majority for the first time in 30 years and the formation of a Government of National Unity (GNU). Steytler examines whether this shift will strengthen democracy and federalism or deepen existing divisions, as the nation grapples with entrenched inequality and the challenges of collaborative governance.
Ghana Declares that Bolt Drivers are Independent Contractors: Five Reasons Justice Noah Adade v Bolt Ghana Ltd Deserves a Different Verdict
In this article, Joshua Kyeremateng and Theophilus Edwin Coleman offer five reasons why the circuit court in Ghana should have arrived at a different conclusion on the employment status of gig workers in Justice Noah Adade v. Bolt Ghana Limited and Another.
Bark Without Bite? Considering and Clarifying the SAHRC’s Competence
In this post, Nicholas Herd examines the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA)'s judgment in SAHRC v Agro Data, where the court unanimously rejected the South African Human Rights Commission's (SAHRC) claim that it possesses the authority to issue binding directives. He also explores the Commission's prospects of success in its appeal to the Constitutional Court, challenging the SCA's decision.
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We welcome unsolicited submissions covering current legal developments in constitutional law, fundamental rights law, public law, international law and related fields.