Book Launch: Equality in Kenya’s 2010 Constitution-Understanding Competing and Interrelated Concepts by Dr. Victoria Miyandazi
DATE: 10 November 2021
TIME: 12h00—14h00 South African time (GMT+2)
VENUE: Online Seminar – Zoom
RSVP: Please RSVP to to register and for the Zoom link
About the author:
Dr. Victoria Miyandazi is a Researcher for the Oxford Human Rights Hub, an Associate Advocate at Okubasu, Munene & Kazungu Advocates LLP and a visiting lecturer at various universities. She completed her DPhil in Law at the University of Oxford in 2019. Her research interests are Human Rights, Constitutional & Administrative Law, and Comparative Law.
Discussants (Chaired by Prof David Bilchitz)
Dr Nomfundo Ramalekana (Lecturer in the Public Law Department at the University of Cape Town)
Prof Tarun Khaitan (Head of Research at the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights)
Adv. Elisha Ngoya (Advocate of the High Court of Kenya and Law Lecturer)
Carli Schoeman from
About the book:
This book makes a significant contribution to the ongoing global conversations on the various understandings of equality. It illuminates the many ways in which diverse equality guarantees clash, or are interrelated. It also sets out principled approaches on how they can be coherently interpreted to address the myriad inequalities in Kenya. Taking a comparative approach, the book considers how other jurisdictions including the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, South Africa, India and Botswana have approached the conceptualisation, interpretation and application of various equality concepts.
The book focuses on important issues such as:
transformative constitutionalism in relation to the interpretation of Kenya's 2010 Constitution;
expanding the list of enumerated grounds for non-discrimination;
affirmative action;
accommodating religious and cultural diversity versus gender equality;
the interrelation between socio-economic rights and status-based equality.